In this episode I have again two guest to discuss the options of remote access enabled workplace in an efficient and secure way. As earlier my partners are from VMware so they know what they talk about.

Only using audio it is difficult to whiteboard something or show a slide, so everything we have talked about is available at Michal’s blog (
Michal Minarik
Michal is an IT professional and VMware enthusiast, currently working as a System Engineer specializing at End User Computing (EUC). This means he is responsible for technical knowledge of all EUC related solutions and he can guide you and your business to the new Mobile Cloud Era. He lives in Beroun (Czech Republic) and covers the whole Eastern Europe region.

Michal is with VMware for 2.5 years, but has more than 10 years of experience in IT business and is VCIX certified in the desktop and mobility area. Before joining VMware he tried both sides of the market: Customer side, he worked in IT for a global pharmaceutical company, where he was responsible for architecting and developing virtual desktop infrastructure for thousands of users. As well as VMware partner side mostly as a solutions consultant and systems integrator and he is now trying to share the knowledge and experience he gained over the year.
He is a vExpert and blogging, make sure follow him here
Czuczumanov Valentin
VMware – Senior Solutions Engineer
I guess no need to have him introduced, at least not in Hungary. 7 x vExpert and experienced professional.